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E-Commerce Trends 2022 That Add Values to Magento 2 Store

Only catching sight of the E-commerce trends won’t get you anywhere unless you are pondering on the thought of implementing it shortly. As we have already entered 2022, here we have compiled the Top 6 E-Commerce Trends 2022 That Add Values to Magento 2 Store. 

Since E-commerce world is progressing at a fleeting rate, the behavior of the customers, their needs, likes and dislikes, shopping trends also change more than ever before. As per a report by 99firms, E-commerce retail summed to 4.2 trillion dollars in 2020.

Let’s dive right into the Top 6 E-Commerce Trends 2022 That Add Values to Magento 2 Store.

Top 6 E-Commerce Trends 2022

#1 Voice Search for Magento Store

Voice Search is such a feature that has driven the E-commerce industry to a whole next level. And, over the next coming years, it is expected to be built even higher. Particularly after the implementation of Alexa and Siri, the requirement for voice searches has increased to a great extent.

In the year 2018, the number of customers who purchased goods via voice search was just 3%. This number is conforming to rise to 18% in 2022. As you can see a rapid rise in the percentage increase, it can be concluded how fast voice commerce is going to rise shortly. Therefore, integrating Magento voice search-based extensions has become quite significant. You can also add the language that is most relevant to the user. Also, a FAQ page with all the relevant questions and answers can be added.

Have a look at the below image:

voice search trends

#2 Augmented and Virtual Reality

Implementing the AR/VR technology in your Magento 2 store can help you skyrocket your business revenue to a substantial extent. The reason being augmented reality allows the customers to visualize the product about how the product will look in their surroundings. 

The best example of AR that we have around is Lenskart, allowing you to capture your photo and you can witness different spectacle frames which are placed virtually on your photo. You can also check how the frame will look to you from the sides. In 2022, you can integrate Magento E-commerce which has magnificent AR/VR technology.

Look at the below image enriched with statistics of AR/VR:

AR VR e-commerce trends

#3 Artificial Intelligence

AI technology has changed digital marketing tactics to a whole new level. Leading brands like Amazon and Spotify are effectively implementing AI technology. The reason for its prominence is that it identifies the behavior and needs of the customer by using the data of the customer through social media channels. Amalgamate AI technology into your Magento 2 store and you will easily be able to catch these benefits. 

As per a report by Techjury, AI technology can enhance the productivity of a business by up to 40%. In another report by Business Insider, in 2020, 85% of customer engagement was operated by chatbots.

Look at the below image of Artificial Intelligence statistics over the years.

AI trends in e-commerce

#4 Live Streaming

The most powerful factor in the digital world currently is Live Streaming which is gaining much popularity. Live streaming is a replica of the physical store experience. Live streaming includes taking webinars on digital platforms. With the help of live streaming, you can easily live chat with your customers, which quickly solves their doubts and the customers can know more about your products.

When buying a product online, customers prefer to examine the product more by photographs and videos. As per a survey, 66% of customers prefer to see 6 photographs and 3 videos of a product when buying online. This has significantly raised the need for live streaming.

Take a glance at the below graphical image to know the growth after integrating live streaming.

Live streaming trends

#5 Progressive Web App (PWA)

By the integration of the PWA technology, the look and feel of your website will be exactly like the apps when viewed on Android phones and the same as iOS when viewed on iOS phones. This boosts the user experience of your website. Responsive web apps will be the most in-demand in the future and in the present also.

Gigantic companies like Twitter and Gmail and large companies like Starbucks have already applied PWA technology. 

Have a glance at the below-mentioned pie chart to compare the number of customers returned with mobile traffic and PWA usage.

Progressive web app

#6 Push Notification

Push Notification is nothing but the brief message framed to send your customers and subscribers. This trend is basically to stay in touch with your potential customers also and to attract new customers also.

Push notifications can be sent via personalized emails, SMS, and social channels. Using the push notification feature for Magento 2, will examine the purchasing patterns of your customers and then send notifications according to their needs.

Take a glance at the below pie chart of the statistics of push notification:

Push notification usage

Summing It Up!

This was all about the Top 6 E-Commerce Trends 2022 That Add Values to Magento 2 Store. Hire a Dedicated Magento Developer to integrate all the above technologies into your Magento 2 store. Share this blog with your Magento buddies and on all social channels!

Have a G’day!

Happy Reading!

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